All the furniture deliver in brand new manufacture packaging

We do Charge for Curb side delivery fee depend on the the zip code and the type of the item. Curbside describes Actual curb, driveway, gate, parking lot or parking garage if accessible of an apartment complex or similar building structure. Normal Delivery charges chart as bellow

Delivery ChargesZip Code Ranges
60$90001 to 90224/ 90239 to 90262/ 90266 to 90278/ 90291 to 90312/  91702 to 91899/ 90743 to 90899/ 92683/ 92701 to 92605/ 92684 to 92685/ 92702 to 92885/ 92879 to 92883/ 92860
70$90230 to 90233/ 90401 to 90411/ 91001 to 91226/ 90602 to 90743/ 92646 to 92655/ 92657 to 92663/ 92607 to 92659/ 92501 to 92509/ 92401 to 92411/ 92373 to 92374/ 92331 to 92337/ 92376 to 92377
80$91331 to 91346/ 91392 to 91499/ 91501 to 91618/ 92656/ 92672 to 92679/ 92674 to 92678/ 92530 to 92532/ 92313/ 92223/92343/ 92220
90$90263 to 90265/ 91301 to 91309/ 91311 to 91330/ 92688 to 92698/92690 to 92693/ 92562 to 92563
100$91350 to 91390, 92590 to 92592
120$92392, 92394, 92395, 92344, 92345
150$93523 to 93599
160$91310, 92311, 92312, 92262, 92264, 92210, 92211, 92260, 92234, 92270

Extra charges will be added for additional services (walk ups or take upstairs, elevators or in house delivery and assembly) email or call us or leave additional note at check out

Item will be unloaded when after full payment is made and when furniture deliver, we do not open the boxes to inspect the item.

We provide the delivery time and some reason if we delay customer will be informed and we don’t give discounts for that also if customer is not available at the delivery time or if the delay in the payment we do charge additional $20 up to 30mins wait and after that we will have to reschedule and re-delivery fee will be added.

Average delivery time up to 3 weeks